We believe every child in our community deserves:
To live a life of hope;
To have a safe, full, and healthy childhood;
To be equipped to be a leader, creator, thinker, dreamer and positive force in our community; and
To live lives of integrity and success, lives with dignity and purpose
What We Do
We provide full-time, salaried Advocate Mentors.
Full-time, paid Advocate Mentors ensuring lasting relationships and real social change. We choose to work with the most vulnerable children and their families one-on-one and face-to-face from kindergarten all the way through their high school graduation. Each mentor works with 8 children, 40 hours per week, 52 weeks per year.

Youth who had a mentor showed a better attitude towards school
Regular meetings between mentor and student saw that youth were:
- 46% less likely to use drugs
- 27% less likely to drink
- 81% more likely to participate in extracurricular activities
Long-term mentoring combined with family and child advocacy is effective in the long run showing a high graduation rate, lower involvement with the juvenile justice system, and lower teen pregnancy rates.
Our Name
Champion: One who stands in the valley or gap.
Our name uses the Hebrew word ‘champion,’ defined as “one who stands in the valley or gap.” In many ways, this is what we do for the children and families we serve – stand in the gap and provide resources and opportunities for them to get to the other side.